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How to Recover from Heroin Addiction

a person celebrates by raising their arms in the sun as they begin heroin addiction recovery

Heroin addiction is responsible for thousands of deaths each year as the opioid epidemic continues to affect millions of people’s lives. Synthetic opioids like heroin cause intense euphoria that can be very addictive and can cause damage to your brain and other vital organs with continual abuse. For those struggling with addiction, enrolling in a heroin addiction recovery program is the smart choice to make to safely recover with minimal risk of relapse. Those who try to quit heroin alone will experience painful withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings that can last several weeks without proper medical support.

At 7 Summit Pathways, we help people who are struggling with addiction to heroin, alcohol, cocaine, or other addictive substances. When patients first arrive at our facility, we will run a full assessment and answer any questions and explain what to expect during the recovery process. We offer outpatient treatment programs with day and evening therapy sessions available. For more information about our heroin addiction treatment programs, call 813.212.7149 or message us online today, and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

What Is Heroin Addiction?

Heroin is a fast-acting opioid that creates an intensely pleasurable sensation and heaviness in the arms and legs. Abusing heroin on a regular basis causes a chemical imbalance in your body and brain and will lead to physical dependence and addiction to heroin.

If you are wondering how to recover from heroin addiction, you or a loved one is likely abusing this deadly narcotic and needs help breaking the addiction. In order to do that, patients will participate in a number of therapies to address the physical and psychological aspects of their condition. A typical treatment program can include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other types of behavioral therapies
  • Holistic therapies such as animal-assisted therapy, yoga, and meditation
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Group and individual therapy sessions
  • Alumni and aftercare programs for continuing support

At 7 Summit Pathways, we have experience treating heroin addiction at our family-like treatment facility in Tampa. Our team uses the latest therapies and medical treatments that give our patients the skills and confidence to reach their recovery goals and maintain long-lasting sobriety.

The Benefits of Heroin Addiction Recovery

Enrolling in a heroin addiction recovery program is an important step to take for anyone who is struggling with addiction and ready for real change. It provides a safe environment free from outside distractions and temptations while they focus on their recovery and building a healthy lifestyle. Here are just some of the benefits of enrolling in an addiction recovery program:

Addiction Education

Learning about the damage that addiction can cause is crucial for patients to understand what they are doing to themselves and their loved ones. Not only does it destroy their body, but it also harms loved ones and close friends as well. Heroin abuse can cause personality changes that lead people to act against their nature, steal, and threaten violence in their pursuit of more heroin.

Long-term heroin abuse can lead to serious medical complications that include:

  • Infections in the heart lining and valves
  • Chronic constipation
  • Brain shrinkage
  • Pulmonary complications
  • Sexual dysfunction in men and women

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heroin is responsible for more than four deaths per 100,000 U.S. citizens.

Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the leading therapies for treating addiction and other mental health disorders. Therapists help patients understand the connection between how their thoughts and emotions are controlling their behaviors. They use various therapeutic techniques to break the connection between their thoughts and negative behaviors and replace them with healthier responses. Other types of behavioral therapies used to treat heroin addiction include:

  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
  • Motivational interviewing

Your individual symptoms will determine which therapies are best suited for treating the addiction.

Family Counseling

An important step in how to recover from heroin addiction is rebuilding any fractured relationships caused by the addiction. Parents, spouses, and children will have a chance to talk with a therapist in private and group discussions so they can move on and begin repairing trust and broken relationships. They will also learn how to create a stable and sober home that will support their recovery.

Find Effective Heroin Addiction Treatment at 7 Summit Pathways

7 Summit Pathways is a full-service addiction treatment facility that supports individuals who are struggling with heroin addiction and need help stopping the abuse. We take the time to get to know each patient to understand the reasons behind the abuse and create a tailored treatment program based on their symptoms. Therapists work with patients in group and private therapy sessions using behavioral and holistic therapies along with medical support to ease withdrawals and cravings.

Contact us at 813.212.7149 today if you or a loved one is struggling with heroin addiction and ready to break the addiction cycle.