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Group Therapy

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Path to Healing from Addiction

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a group therapy session meets and people talkTreating mental health disorders like addiction, depression, and PTSD is possible through a combination of different therapeutic techniques. Treatment programs combine private and group therapy sessions using behavioral and holistic therapies that have a strong track record for helping patients reach their mental health goals. During group therapy, you will gain valuable new insights, practice coping skills, and learn how to communicate your feelings in an appropriate way.

At 7 Summit Pathways in Tampa, Florida, we support people who are struggling with addiction or other mental health disorders. Our family-like treatment center offers comfortable rooms in a discreet setting where you can focus on your recovery, free from outside distractions. During group therapy sessions, therapists will supervise various games and activities that promote a healthy state of mind and other valuable life skills. If you are searching for specialty services near me and are in the Tampa area, call 813.212.7149 today to speak with our friendly team about your mental health.

What Is Group Therapy?

A group therapy program allows patients to work with their peers in a supervised setting led by a certified behavioral therapist. They facilitate group discussions, role-playing games, and other activities that allow patients to build their confidence in handling emotions or past experiences that are hurting their mental health.

Despite any personal beliefs you have about sharing your feeling with others, group therapy is an excellent way for you to understand several things about mental health disorders, such as:

  • Everyone is susceptible to depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other mental health disorders.
  • Peer pressure from school or work can affect your mental health in different ways.
  • Drinking or drug use is both a cause and a symptom of depression and anxiety.
  • Genetics and family history play a significant role in how susceptible you are to mental health disorders.
  • You are not alone in your struggles.

At 7 Summit Pathways, we have experience treating a wide range of mental health disorders, from addiction to depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and many others. We combine the latest treatment techniques through private and group therapy sessions that give patients the skills and confidence they need to cope with life’s daily stresses and complications.

The Benefits of Group Therapy

There are many benefits of participating in group therapy. It can show you how valuable talking about your feelings with others can be and give you the confidence necessary to understand and manage them. Here are just a few of the benefits of a group therapy program:

  • Build healthy peer relationships – Bonding with your peers who are going through similar struggles can benefit your recovery. The friendships you make during therapy will continue to support your mental health long after completing a recovery program and can encourage you to stay committed to your recovery during those hard times.
  • Gain valuable insight from different life perspectives – During group discussions, you will give and listen to peer feedback and learn how others are coping with similar issues. This insight can benefit your recovery by showing you how there are multiple ways to approach a situation.
  • Practice coping and communication skills – In group therapy, you will practice your coping and communication skills through role-playing games and various activities. Therapists will monitor your interactions and discuss any behaviors that are not healthy for recovery.
  • Promotes a healthy lifestyle – Patients will participate in a number of holistic therapies that teach them healthy life skills, such as better nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, gratitude, and creative expression. These skills promote a healthy lifestyle and build their confidence in facing any situation that life throws at them.

Group therapy gives people a chance to talk about their feelings with others, bond with their peers, and participate in fun holistic activities. You may even learn a new skill that can turn into a new career opportunity through painting, music and dance, and creative writing.

Find Specialty Services near You at 7 Summit Pathways

At 7 Summit Pathways, we work with individuals and their families who are dealing with addiction, depression, or other common mental health disorders. When you first arrive at our facility, we run a full assessment to create a tailored treatment program based on your individual symptoms. You will participate in private and group therapy sessions while receiving medication to minimize any symptoms that interfere with your recovery.

If you or a loved one is struggling with their mental health, call 813.212.7149 or fill out our online form today, and we will get back to you promptly.