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Mental Health Treatment

Ask Us About The
Path to Healing from Addiction

Contact us today to learn more about how you can begin your addiction healing journey

an icon with a person's head represented by clouds to demonstrate foggy mental healthTreating mental health disorders is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of a person’s unique family history and personal experiences. While there is no cure for depression, social anxiety, PTSD, or other types of disorders, there are several types of therapies that can greatly improve a person’s life. 7 Summit Pathways offers many specialty services near you that can benefit your mental health and prevent your symptoms from worsening or leading to substance abuse.

7 Summit Pathways is a fully-accredited addiction treatment center in Tampa, Florida for people from all walks of life who need help improving their mental health. After enrollment, we will run a full assessment of your physical and mental health to create a tailored treatment plan based on your individual symptoms. You will work closely with a behavioral therapist in group and private therapy sessions to develop new coping skills and a positive outlook on your future. To begin your mental health program, search online for specialty services near me today, and call 813.212.7149 to schedule a tour and meet our team.

Caring for Your Mental Health

Caring for your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Depression, social anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health disorders can cause a person to experience debilitating symptoms that can interfere with work and personal lives. If left untreated, it can lead to substance abuse, fractured relationships, financial struggles, and suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

Fortunately, there are several treatment options for caring for your mental health. Treatment centers utilize the latest techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and other types of behavioral therapy. Additional therapy options include yoga and meditation, nutrition classes, animal-assisted therapy, nature walks, group discussions, and other holistic activities. The skills patients learn during therapy will improve their self-esteem and confidence and teach them how to talk about their feelings in an appropriate manner.

7 Summit Pathways provides effective mental health treatment for individuals and their families in the Tampa, FL area. We work closely with each patient to uncover the root cause of the disorder and begin helping them process their feelings without causing any negative behaviors or angry outbursts.

The Benefits of Enrolling in a Mental Health Program

Enrolling in a program for your mental health is the best way to stop letting your thoughts and feelings keep you from living your best life. Plus, it reduces the risk of developing a substance use disorder and worsening your mental health. Despite popular belief, recreational or illegal drugs do not improve your mental health. They will only worsen your symptoms and cause a serious dependence on the drug of choice.

Here are just some of the benefits of enrolling in a mental health program:

  • Improved communication skills – Patients learn that it is okay to talk about their feelings with others and learn how to do so without causing any negative reactions. They practice these skills in group therapy with their peers under close supervision. Therapists will make note of any concerning behaviors and discuss them during private therapy.
  • Building your confidence and self-esteem – Depression and other mental health disorders cause individuals to suffer from low self-esteem. Therapists work closely with patients to develop coping skills to improve their self-esteem, stop the endless loop of negative self-talk, and focus on the present. During group therapy, they practice these skills and build their confidence in maintaining their happiness.
  • Develop healthy life skills – Mental health programs include holistic therapies that support a healthy lifestyle and improved physical and mental health. Patients will participate in a number of therapies, such as yoga, meditation, creative writing, nutrition classes, and much more.
  • Mindfulness techniques – By uncovering the root cause of your symptoms, you will be able to reduce any negative reactions caused by your thoughts and feelings. You will learn mindfulness techniques that will help you focus on the present moment and stop obsessing over past, present, or future events.

Your mental health is very important, and you should protect it at all costs. Enrolling in a mental health treatment program is the best way to give you the skills and confidence necessary to lead a healthy and happy life.

7 Summit Pathways Offers Specialty Services near You for Mental Health Treatment

At 7 Summit Pathways, we work with college students, stay-at-home parents, professionals and executives, and members of the LGBTQ community to support and improve their mental health. Our behavioral therapists have years of experience treating depression, PTSD, bipolar disorders, substance use disorders, and other mental health illnesses. We have a wide range of specialty services to support your recovery process that includes:

  • Holistic therapy options
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Professionals’ program
  • Medication-assisted treatment

Call 813.212.7149 today or send us a message online to discover all of the benefits of our mental health treatment programs.