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Anxiety Treatment Program

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a person looks nervous during anxiety treatmentAnxiety is a common mental health condition that affects everyone in different ways. Some people may feel mildly anxious before a big presentation or a first date, while others will experience crippling fear and physical pain over the same situation. Anxiety treatment focuses on the specific triggers of each person and teaches them coping skills to minimize their symptoms.

At 7 Summit Pathways in Tampa, Florida, our team has experience treating all forms of anxiety and the underlying causes that fuel them. We work closely with each patient to understand their complex family and peer histories so that we can develop a treatment plan that addresses their specific emotions and triggers. Patients will participate in a number of therapy sessions for several weeks to months, depending on their individual progress. If you are searching for specialty services near me and in the Tampa area, call 813.212.7149 today or fill out our online form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a condition where individuals overreact to normal, everyday situations due to a flood of overpowering emotions and feelings. Everyone will experience anxiety at some point. It is a normal function that can prepare you for stressful or tense situations and contributes to your fight or flight response. Those with an anxiety disorder have a heightened response trigger where the brain releases a massive amount of adrenaline and cortisol, and can create overpowering symptoms that include:

  • Being fearful or having an impending sense of doom
  • Increased heart rate
  • Hyperventilation
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Trouble focusing
  • Stomach pain

The five most common types of treatable mental health disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety. At 7 Summit Pathways, our anxiety treatment programs help people understand what anxiety is and process their feelings and emotions without triggering any symptoms or causing future panic attacks. We teach them healthy ways to cope with their feelings instead of reaching for alcohol or recreational drugs and potentially developing an addiction.

What to Expect from Anxiety Treatment near Me

Enrolling in an anxiety treatment facility near you is the smart choice to make if your anxiety is causing problems at home, work, or school. Those who don’t seek treatment are more likely to develop a substance use disorder and will experience worsening anxiety. Here are just some of what you can expect when you begin anxiety treatment at an accredited treatment facility.

Behavioral Therapy

One of the best forms of therapy for treating anxiety and other mental health disorders is cognitive-behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapists get to know each patient’s unique history and background so they can uncover the root cause of the anxiety. They then teach their patients healthy coping skills for managing their symptoms and preventing their symptoms from spiraling out of control.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Those who turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with their anxiety will experience painful and sometimes deadly withdrawal symptoms caused by the addiction. During therapy, patients will receive medication as part of their recovery. Medical staff will administer specific doses for each patient and monitor their reactions to ensure maximum benefits with minimal side effects. As withdrawal symptoms fade, they will begin tapering patients off the medication until no longer necessary.

Most patients will be 100% drug-free by the end of the program, except in some cases of extreme anxiety symptoms. Then, a tailored medication regimen will be created for long-term success.

Family Therapy

Another important part of the recovery process is family therapy. All family members will be encouraged to participate in therapy to learn more about anxiety and how to create a supportive home environment. They will also have a chance to vent any frustrations or other feelings that may interfere with the recovery process.

7 Summit Pathways: Your Top Choice for Specialty Services near You

At 7 Summit Pathways, we welcome all Floridians who are struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health illnesses and are ready to make a positive change. Our team will conduct an assessment of your physical and mental health to place you in the appropriate program. We are a full-service treatment facility with a wide range of therapies to treat anxiety that include:

Pick up the phone and call 813.212.7149 or contact us online today to discover how our mental health treatment facility can benefit your mental health and future happiness.