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Women’s Rehab Program

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Path to Healing from Addiction

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group discussing a women's rehab programWhen addiction stems from and is triggered by relationships with men, women’s rehab offers the best solution for starting recovery and managing mental health symptoms. These programs work by eliminating the common distractions that can occur in a mixed-gender treatment program. Women can focus on the issues that affect them the most in a comforting and supportive environment led by a female behavioral therapist. 

7 Summit Pathways is a full-service addiction treatment center that supports women who are struggling with addiction aggravated by their relationships with men. Our therapists take the time to build a deep connection with each patient to understand the root cause of the addiction and begin developing effective coping skills. These skills allow women to find new ways to work with men and not feel triggered by their actions or presence. For more information about our treatment programs in Tampa, FL, send us a message online or call 813.212.7149 today to speak with our knowledgeable team.  

What Is Women’s Rehab? 

A women’s rehab program helps women who are struggling with addiction that causes problems at work, school, or home. This program can produce better recovery results for women who tried quitting through a traditional treatment program and failed because of the conflicts that can occur between men and women. It can be difficult for some women to feel comfortable talking about sensitive subjects in a mixed-gender environment, especially if their addiction is triggered by men. 

Women’s rehab is the best solution for women whose addiction or other mental health conditions are caused by: 

  • Conflicts with work, personal, and romantic relationships with men 
  • Past or present emotional, physical, or sexual abuse 
  • Gender identity confusion 
  • PTSD caused by military service 
  • Societal affairs that impact women’s health and freedoms 

A women’s rehab program uses behavioral and holistic therapies to find new ways to process the emotions caused by triggering people and situations. Medication is also available to ease withdrawal symptoms and cravings, as well as any depressive or anxiety symptoms that can interfere with the recovery process. The combination of these treatments and therapies provides a better recovery experience and promotes long-lasting sobriety.   

At 7 Summit Pathways, we offer women’s rehab in Tampa, FL for women who prefer a gender-specific rehab experience. A female therapist will lead group and private therapy sessions where you can talk about the issues that matter most to women while bonding with your female peers. 

What to Expect from Women’s Rehab 

Enrolling in a rehab program for the first time can be daunting if you don’t know what to expect. To ease any stress you may feel, here is what you can expect when you enroll in women’s rehab: 

  • An experienced therapist will run a full assessment of your physical and mental health along with the severity of the addiction. They use this information to determine if you need to start with an inpatient or outpatient treatment program and the types of therapies that will aid in your recovery.  
  • Medical staff will administer medications, if needed, to benign the recovery process. They will administer specific dosages and monitor for any adverse reactions and adjust the dosage if necessary.  
  • A female therapist will lead group and private therapy sessions where you will talk about the reasons behind the addiction and develop new coping skills. During group therapy, you will practice coping and communication skills, have group discussions, and participate in a variety of holistic therapies.  
  • Therapists will work with spouses and other family members to resolve any conflicts that can trigger a relapse and teach them how to create a stable and supportive home environment.  
  • As you progress through the program and your symptoms change, medical staff will begin tapering you off any needed medications slowly to avoid any withdrawal symptoms. By the end of the program, most patients will be 100% medication-free.  

Women’s rehab is available for women who need the support of a women’s-only rehab environment to break their addiction and regain control of their lives. It removes any potential distractions that are caused by male-female relationships and empowers women to enact real change. 

7 Summit Pathways: Comprehensive Treatment Programs in Tampa, FL 

At 7 Summit Pathways, we help women from all walks of life who are looking for a gender-specific rehab experience to beat their addiction. Our family-like facility offers treatment programs that combine the latest in addiction treatment therapies and medical support.   

To speak with our team about our women’s rehab in Tampa, pick up the phone and call 813.212.7149 today to make a positive change.