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Finding a Treatment Center For Anxiety

Two people at a treatment center for anxiety

Anxiety is one of the more common mental health disorders that affect millions of men and women in the U.S. each year. Sadly, there is no “cure” for anxiety. However, there are several effective treatment programs that show people how to cope with their anxiety and lead a productive life. In fact, a treatment center for anxiety could change your life.

A treatment center for anxiety provides a safe and discreet environment where patients can relax and recover far from their daily stresses and triggers. Treatment centers provide a safer recovery experience for those who need help managing their anxiety symptoms and triggers.

At 7 Summit Pathways, we are a full-service mental health treatment center that welcomes all Floridians who are struggling with social anxiety, PTSD, separation anxiety, or other anxiety disorders. Our certified behavioral therapists have years of experience working with people from all backgrounds. They work closely with each patient to uncover the root cause behind the anxiety and develop new ways of managing their symptoms and stopping future panic attacks.

If you or a loved one is struggling with anxiety, call 813.212.7149 today to speak with one of our team members about our anxiety treatment program in Tampa.

What Is Anxiety Treatment?

An anxiety treatment program is for men and women whose work and personal lives are negatively impacted by their anxiety. Therapists work with patients in group and private therapy sessions using cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and creative self-expression like writing, dancing, and acting. This holistic approach is backed by medication that can ease anxiety symptoms and allow patients to succeed in their recovery.

Anxiety is a treatable mental health disorder that requires a deep understanding of a person’s personal experiences and family history. If a person has parents that have an anxiety disorder, their chemical makeup makes them more susceptible to anxiety. As a result, they will experience more severe symptoms. Other factors that can cause anxiety include:

  • Peer pressure
  • Gender confusion
  • Personal, professional, and educational relationships
  • Military service with active combat
  • Natural disasters
  • The sudden loss of a loved one
  • In-person and online bullying
  • Emotional, physical, and sexual assault

If left untreated, anxiety disorders will worsen and can lead to a co-occurring condition of substance abuse. Of those with an anxiety disorder, up to 80% will go on to develop a substance use disorder if their anxiety worsens.

At 7 Summit Pathways, our treatment center for anxiety is available for men and women who are ready to accept help with their anxiety symptoms. Our team will run a full assessment to determine the best treatment options based on the severity of your symptoms. We use this information to create a comprehensive anxiety treatment program that promotes a healthier state of mind.

What to Expect From a Treatment Center for Anxiety

Enrolling in an anxiety treatment program is the best course of action for those whose symptoms are causing a significant problem at home, work, or school. Is this your first time enrolling in a therapy program? If so, here is what you can expect after enrolling in an anxiety treatment facility:

  1. A dedicated team of experienced behavioral therapists, mental health technicians, and support staff with 24/7 support in a safe and private facility. They will do everything they can to make you comfortable during your stay. As a result, you’ll get the most out of the recovery experience.
  1. You will participate in private and group therapy sessions led by a certified behavioral therapist. They use a combination of therapies that can include:
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Mindfulness and meditation
  • Family therapy
  • Animal-assisted therapy
  1. Medication-assisted treatment programs to reduce anxiety symptoms and any withdrawals and cravings from substance abuse. These medications provide temporary support during therapy, and most patients will be 100% drug-free by the end of the program.
  1. Opportunities to bond with your peers and develop strong relationships with them that will support your continued recovery and improved mental health.
  1. Family therapy sessions to rebuild broken relationships and teach family members about the specific disorder and how they can become a part of the recovery process.

A treatment center for anxiety is the safest recovery option for people who need help with managing their anxiety symptoms. The skills they learn will reduce anxiety symptoms and improve other aspects of their lives.

Join 7 Summit Pathways for Our Anxiety Treatment Program in Tampa

What is anxiety treatment, and how can it benefit your mental health? 7 Summit Pathways is a fully-accredited mental health treatment facility in Tampa. We give patients a family-like setting to begin their recovery journey. First, we will go over each step of the recovery process with you. Then we’ll explain how our programs can improve your mental and physical health. In fact, we will do everything we can to prepare you for your recovery journey and a brighter future.

If you would like more information about our anxiety treatment programs, fill out our online contact form or call 813.212.7149 today to schedule a tour and meet our team.