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Finding a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program in Tampa, FL

a person talks to a therapist after finding help for a dual diagnosis near me

Tampa is the largest city in Hillsborough county and offers plenty of exciting activities, white sand beaches, and a laidback lifestyle. It is home to Busch Gardens, Adventure Island, and many other attractions, restaurants, and family-friendly activities.1 If you are looking for help with a dual diagnosis near Tampa, you can benefit from enrolling in an addiction treatment center that offers dual diagnosis treatment programs.

At 7 Summit Pathways, our addiction treatment center helps individuals who are struggling with an addiction caused by depression, PTSD, or other types of mental health disorders. We are located near 301 and E. Broadway Avenue and provide comprehensive treatment programs that focus on the underlying issue behind the addiction as well as the addiction itself. If not properly treated, those with a dual diagnosis condition will never fully recover until both mental health issues are addressed. Learn more about our treatment for dual diagnosis near Tampa, FL by calling 813.212.7149.

What Is a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program?

While addiction is a treatable mental health disorder, there is no cure-all pill or single form of treatment that can address all of the complexities of this disease. It requires a deep understanding of a person’s personal background and family history in order to create an effective treatment program. The causes behind substance use disorder are as varied as their symptoms and can include:

  • Emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
  • Peer pressure
  • Experiencing a past or recent trauma
  • Current affairs
  • Trouble keeping up with work or personal responsibilities

When a person is diagnosed with a dual diagnosis, it means they have an addiction that is caused by depression or other mental health disorders. Some of the common mental health disorders that can lead to addiction include:

  • Depression
  • Panic disorders, social anxiety, PTSD, and other anxiety disorders
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Personality disorders
  • Schizophrenia

At 7 Summit Pathways, we have experience treating dual diagnosis conditions at our boutique treatment facility. Our programs combine various types of therapies and medical support to treat all aspects of the addiction and greatly reduce the risk of relapse after recovery and long into the future.

Finding Treatment for Dual Diagnosis near Tampa

If you are struggling with depression and have developed an addiction due to self-medicating, a dual diagnosis program is the best option for recovery. You will have professional support to learn how to process any depressive symptoms or negative emotions in a safe and discreet environment.

When searching for dual diagnosis treatment, make sure they offer the following types of therapies:

  • Group and private therapy sessions – Behavioral therapy is one of the best forms of therapy for treating addiction and the issues that are fueling it. Once therapists learn the root cause of the addiction, they use various types of behavioral therapies to teach patients how to cope with their feelings and eliminate their cravings and desires for more drugs or alcohol. The types of therapies that are bests for treating dual diagnosis conditions include:
    • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
    • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
    • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
    • Motivational interviewing (MI)
    • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Medication-assisted treatment – To ease withdrawal symptoms and cravings caused by chemical dependence, medical staff will administer medications to ease any symptoms that are interfering with recovery. Over time, as withdrawals begin to diminish, so will the need for medication. All medications will be reduced slowly to avoid any withdrawals or negative side effects.
  • Holistic therapy – To promote lifelong sobriety and a healthy lifestyle, dual diagnosis programs use mindfulness, meditation, yoga, nutrition education, and other holistic activities. Other types of holistic therapies include animal-assisted therapy, adventure therapy, creative writing, painting, music/dance therapy, and many others.

What is a dual diagnosis, and how can it benefit your recovery? Dual diagnosis treatment is the best way to treat the mental health disorders that are fueling the addiction and promote long-lasting sobriety and a healthier state of mind.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Tampa at 7 Summit Pathways

7 Summit Pathways is a small boutique treatment facility next to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office on Orient Road in Tampa. We welcome all who need help breaking their addiction to alcohol, heroin, meth, or other dangerous substances. Our individualized treatment programs provide a whole-person recovery experience by combining behavioral and holistic therapies and medication-assisted treatment in a family-like residence.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and are ready for a real change, contact us at 813.212.7149 today to speak with one of our compassionate team members.


  1.  Visit Florida –Things To Do in Tampa