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Benefits of Writing Therapy

You may have heard people say journaling is therapeutic, but perhaps you feel intimidated by the idea of writing down your thoughts and feelings. You don’t have to be a polished writer to benefit from writing therapy.

Many people find advantages in organizing their thoughts on paper. They make connections that may have eluded them during counseling sessions. They find a new way to look at their Recovery. Writing therapy can open you up to new insights and fresh perspectives, making it a worthy addition to your addiction treatment plan.

What Is Writing Therapy?

Writing therapy involves putting your thoughts and feelings on paper instead of saying them out loud. It can take many forms. You may prefer writing in a journal with a pen, or you may be more comfortable typing on a computer. The format doesn’t matter as much as the ideas you express and explore.

Writing therapy can be done on your own time. You might write every morning when you wake up or each night before bed. It gives you a chance to reflect on where you are in Recovery. It also allows you to vent or express gratitude.

Three Writing Therapy Exercises

You may find the idea of writing therapy attractive but are not sure how to get started. Try using these exercises to get comfortable with writing therapy:

  • Write a letter to a loved one: Express the things you wish you could tell them in person but haven’t had the chance to say. You might explore an interaction you feel angry, guilty or happy about and figure out why it elicits this emotion. You don’t have to send the letter. Focusing on the feelings is the goal.
  • Write a poem: Poems allow you creative expression with fewer rules or requirements than regular writing. You can express your feelings without limitations. You get to play around with words and phrasing and see what delights your ear.
  • Respond to a writing prompt: Prompts give you a scenario to delve into, such as, “I couldn’t live without …” or “I’m inspired by …” or “What I love about my life is…”

How Writing Therapy Can Help in Recovery

Writing therapy encourages thoughts from your subconscious to rise up. You may tap into fears or feelings you didn’t realize you had because they hadn’t yet made it to the surface. Writing therapy allows you to experiment without fear of what someone else will say.

Because these words are written for you, there is less worry about being judged. You can acknowledge feelings that may not feel comfortable but nonetheless exist. Many people deal with these truths by feeding their addiction. In Recovery, you have to deal with the fears head-on, and writing can help you recognize and address them.

How 7 Summit Pathways Can Help

Are you struggling with addiction and want to get assistance? At 7 Summit Pathways Treatment and Recovery Center, we offer state-of-the-art, evidence-based treatment plans and holistic therapies for your long-term success.

Contact us at 7 Summit Pathways to get more information or make an appointment.