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Path to Healing from Addiction

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Dangers of Withdrawing on Your Own

When you suffer from addiction, the first step in overcoming your dependency is detoxification. This is when you stop consuming the drug or alcohol you are addicted to. However, because your body has become so used to this substance, when you halt your usage, you experience withdrawal symptoms.

You may feel tempted to quit drugs or alcohol cold turkey and deal with these withdrawal symptoms yourself. That approach can be dangerous. While Recovery should be the goal for anyone suffering from addiction, getting care from professionals can make the experience safer.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms can last anywhere from four to 10 days for opioids to up to five weeks for benzodiazepines, which you taper off from. Withdrawal is associated with a range of symptoms depending on the substance, often including:

  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Increased or decreased appetite
  • Tremors
  • Headaches

Every withdrawal is slightly different, and your symptoms also depend on whether you quit suddenly or gradually stop using the substance.

Dangers of Withdrawing on Your Own

One danger of attempting detoxification on your own is that you could encounter protracted withdrawal. This happens when your symptoms draw out over a longer time than anticipated. They may reappear well after the period when withdrawal should have ended.

Protracted withdrawal can test you during a difficult time. Withdrawal symptoms target the body and mind. You become more vulnerable to relapse when the cycle continues for an extended stretch. Receiving help at a facility can decrease the likelihood of protracted withdrawal and help you deal with the symptoms.

Another reason to consider seeking assistance during withdrawal is that many people using drugs or alcohol take them to treat or numb their depression. The symptoms of this disease could reemerge when you stop taking the drugs. Getting professional care can treat the depression as well as the withdrawal.

Undergoing detoxification too quickly may occur when you attempt it without supervision. Symptoms could include grand mal seizures, which should be addressed by a medical professional. When you seek professional assistance with your withdrawal, you will be monitored for such symptoms and receive the attention you need immediately if a serious issue arises.

How We Can Help

By seeking help for your addiction or for a loved one at 7 Summit Pathways Treatment and Recovery Center, you ensure you will get the right guidance and proper oversight during the difficult period of addiction. The benefits of enlisting our assistance include:

  • Experience: We have aided many people just like you through withdrawal and know what symptoms to watch for and when something serious develops.
  • Dual diagnosis: If you have a mental health diagnosis, we can treat that along with your addiction.
  • Tailored care: Each person who comes through our door is different, and we recognize that in the care we provide.

We rely on a holistic approach for treatment that gives you the time to focus on Recovery and getting better. You don’t have to do this alone. Reach out to us for more information or to set up an appointment.