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5 Effective Strategies For Anxiety

young woman seated on couch and staring calmly out window while practicing one of 5 effective strategies for anxiety

In the state of Florida, 32.3% of adults reported suffering from some form of anxiety and/or depression in the first part of 20231. Anxiety disorders are very common all across the country and can affect children, teens, and adults. Fortunately, there are several successful anxiety strategies that you can use to reduce anxiety symptoms without having to turn to illegal or recreational drugs or alcohol. While there is no permanent cure for anxiety, several types of therapies and medications have a strong track record for reducing all types of anxiety disorders.

7 Summit Pathways is a full-service outpatient treatment center that welcomes Floridians from all walks of life who need help with their anxiety disorders. Our team has years of experience working with people suffering from borderline personality disorders, generalized anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, and all other types of anxiety-related illnesses. We use the latest behavioral and holistic therapeutic techniques along with medication-assisted treatments to ease disruptive symptoms that get in the way of recovery. For more information about our anxiety treatment in Tampa, call 813.212.7149 today to speak with our team.

What Is Anxiety Treatment?

Treating anxiety is possible through a combination of different therapeutic techniques and medications that effectively reduce anxiety symptoms. An anxiety treatment program consists of private and group therapy sessions where therapists will use a variety of behavioral and holistic therapies to treat all aspects of the disorder.

Therapists first work to uncover the root cause of the anxiety and then teach patients how to cope with the thoughts or feelings that trigger their symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the leading forms of therapy to treat anxiety and helps patients cope with their symptoms and prevent future attacks. Other types of therapies used to treat anxiety disorders include:

  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
  • Meditation therapy
  • Yoga therapy
  • Nutrition education

7 Summit Pathways is a leading anxiety treatment center in Florida and is available to help you or a loved one gain control of their anxiety symptoms. Our team will welcome you and discuss what anxiety treatment is and the types of therapies involved to ease any stress or fear you may have about starting therapy.

5 Effective Anxiety Strategies to Ease Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is a treatable disorder when you work with a therapist and learn the best coping skills to stop anxiety symptoms from interfering with your daily routine. Enrolling in an anxiety treatment program is the best way to learn new skills and strategies for reducing symptoms without having to turn to drugs or alcohol.

Here are five effective anxiety strategies that you can use on a regular basis or whenever you feel your symptoms spiking:

  1. Start an exercise program – Exercise is a great way to burn off pent-up stress and energy that can trigger your symptoms. There are plenty of low-impact exercise routines you can do at home or in a gym. If you feel your anxiety spiking during the work day, a ten-minute walk around the block can reduce symptoms and help you focus on the present moment.
  2. Deep breathing exercises – The simple act of taking slow, methodic breaths can do a lot to stop anxiety symptoms from spiking. It slows heart rates, reduces blood pressure and body temperatures, and stops hyperventilation.
  3. Eat a healthy diet – A healthy diet that includes a mix of vegetables, fruits, and lean protein has been shown to be very beneficial in reducing anxiety symptoms. Try to avoid sugary snacks or carb-heavy foods, otherwise known as comfort foods.
  4. Avoid illegal and recreational drugs and alcohol – Drugs and alcohol give you a temporary euphoric feeling that can be very detrimental to anxiety disorders, especially if you are taking medication to treat anxiety. Those who self-medicate are more likely to develop a serious substance use disorder in addition to their anxiety disorder.
  5. Daily journaling – Writing in a journal every day is very therapeutic and is a great way to ease anxiety symptoms. Write down the experiences that trigger your symptoms as a means to fine-tune your coping skills and better prepare you for future stresses.

Finding the right strategies that work for you can take some time. Try different methods to see which works best, and practice them as often as possible to prevent future attacks or other anxiety symptoms.

7 Summit Pathways: Healthy Strategies for Anxiety Treatment in Tampa

At 7 Summit Pathways, we have outpatient programs for men and women struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, or other types of anxiety. When you first arrive at our private facility, we will run a full assessment of your health to determine the best course of action to treat the disorder and its underlying cause. Our team can handle all types of anxiety disorders, including co-occurring disorders of anxiety and addiction.

To learn more healthy anxiety strategies to help you manage your anxiety, send us a message online or call 813.212.7149 today to schedule a tour and meet our compassionate team.


1Kaiser Family Foundation – “Mental Health in Florida”