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3 Benefits of IOP to Know About

group of men and women seated in group therapy session discussing the 3 benefits of IOP to know about

Addiction is a complex illness requiring different care levels to help people beat their addictions and maintain lifelong sobriety. An intensive outpatient program, or IOP, provides effective support for men and women who want help breaking their addictions. There are several IOP benefits that make enrolling in an outpatient treatment program worthwhile, no matter the type of substance or reasons behind the abuse. Those who actively participate in outpatient programs are more likely to reach their recovery goals with minimal risks of relapse.

At 7 Summit Pathways, we welcome men and women from all walks of life who are struggling with an addiction to alcohol, prescription, and illegal opioids, or other addictive substances. Our treatment programs are tailored to the individual’s symptoms and their severity. Therapists work closely with each patient to understand the reasons behind the abuse and begin teaching them healthy ways to cope with their symptoms and triggers. To learn more about IOP in Tampa, Florida, fill out our online form or call 813.212.7149 today to speak with one of our knowledgeable team members.

What Is an IOP?

What is an intensive outpatient program (IOP)? This is an outpatient treatment program for patients who have completed a inpatient treatment program and for those just starting their recovery who don’t need 24/7 care. The program generally lasts for 8-12 weeks but will depend on each person’s individual progress.

During group and private therapy sessions, therapists will use a variety of therapies to help patients reach their recovery goals. The types of therapies that are common in IOP include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Meditation therapy
  • Animal-assisted therapy
  • Nutritional education
  • Creative self-expression exercises

To qualify for an outpatient treatment program, you must commit to attending regularly scheduled therapy sessions for 5-15 hours per week and be able to abstain from all drugs and alcohol with minimal supervision. Those with addictive symptoms they cannot control will begin recovery in a residential program and graduate to outpatient treatment when ready.

If you have questions about what is an IOP, 7 Summit Pathways will answer all of your questions during admissions. We will run a complete health assessment to determine the best types of therapies and medication to treat all aspects of the addiction and teach you skills to build a healthy and sober lifestyle.

3 Top IOP Benefits to Know About

There are many benefits of enrolling in an intensive outpatient program to stop drug and alcohol abuse. Outpatient programs can fit around your work or personal schedule while you gain a better understanding of your symptoms and develop new coping skills for staying sober.

Here are three top IOP benefits that you can experience through an intensive outpatient program:

Life Skills

Maintaining long-lasting recovery means making changes in all aspects of your life. Outpatient therapy continues teaching patients a number of beneficial life skills, like nutrition education, creative self-expression, and yoga and exercise. These additional skills will go a long way toward helping patients build a healthy and sober lifestyle.

Relapse Prevention Therapy

Relapse rates after completing a treatment program are between 40 – 75% in the first six months after completing therapy1. Outpatient programs significantly reduce the chance of relapse after completing an inpatient treatment program and for those just starting their recovery journey. Therapists teach patients how to be on the lookout for situations that can lead to a relapse and what to do when cravings reappear.

Encourages Continuation of Therapy

As patients continue with therapy and discover all of the benefits, it increases their desire to continue working with a therapist and talk about a number of personal issues. Continuing therapy is the best way to deal with stressful moments as they arise and will greatly improve your overall mental health and ability to maintain lifelong sobriety.

Enrolling in an intensive outpatient program is the best option for anyone who is beginning to lose control of their substance abuse and wants to stop before their symptoms worsen. Outpatient programs allow patients to continue working or caring for families while receiving the highest level of addiction care in a comfortable and discreet environment.

Find an IOP in Tampa, Florida, at 7 Summit Pathways

7 Summit Pathways is a fully accredited outpatient addiction treatment facility that supports Florida residents who are struggling with a substance use disorder. We use a wide range of behavioral and holistic therapies along with medication-assisted treatment to create a whole-person recovery experience. You will work with an experienced therapist to talk about the reasons behind the abuse and develop new coping skills and a more positive outlook on life.

To discover the benefits of IOP and stop letting addiction control your life, reach out online or call 813.212.7149 today to speak with one of our caring team members.