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Why You Should Have a Recovery Coach

Recovery is an involved process that often involves coping with painful emotions and long-standing habits that may have contributed to your life of addiction. Having a support network is crucial. While sponsors, friends and family all can play a role, a Recovery coach meets a special need. Just like a sports coach, this person stands by your side throughout the Recovery process — motivating, supporting and pushing you to succeed.

What Is a Recovery Coach?

A Recovery coach is not all that different than a life coach — they just have a different focus. Also called a sober coach, this is a motivational person who supports individuals pursuing Recovery.

A Recovery coach is not a counselor, therapist, medical professional or sponsor. This person plays a distinct role in your journey, offering both tools and guidance for Recovery. A Recovery coach can help you pursue your goals in a variety of ways, including:

  • Acting as a role model for positive behaviors.
  • Helping you form a plan of action.
  • Providing accountability.
  • Supporting your objectives.
  • Offering guidance.
  • Assisting you as you develop new behavior patterns and healthier life changes.
  • Providing an objective view of your progress.
  • Presenting harm reduction techniques for your addictive behaviors.
  • Encouraging you to build or rebuild positive relationships.
  • Directing you toward the right resources.
  • Helping you navigate the medical and rehabilitation system.

Benefits of Having a Recovery Coach

There are many advantages to working with a Recovery coach to help you overcome addiction:

  • They help you navigate the world of addiction treatment so that you can find the right evidence-based program based on your specific needs.
  • They encourage you to engage with whatever addiction treatment program you choose so that you can get the most out of it.
  • They accompany you to treatment and any Recovery related activities, providing a source of support and comfort.
  • They are always available through calls or texts so that you have someone you can go to when relapse triggers arise.

How to Find a Recovery Coach

When it comes to finding the right Recovery coach, you first need to decide if you would prefer a peer coach or a professional recovery coach. Peer Recovery coaches offer general support and usually relate from the perspective of their own Recovery. Professional coaches, on the other hand, utilize a variety of evidence-based strategies that have been shown to effectively help those struggling with addiction.

If you decide you want your coach to be a peer, you can contact local Recovery groups to ask for a recommendation. For a professional coach, it’s best to find an individual certified through an accredited organization. This ensures that they have experience in professional addiction Recovery.

Try interviewing a few potential Recovery coaches to see whose style works best for you.

Learn More About Personalized Addiction Treatment at 7 Summit Pathways

Whether you work with a coach before or after treatment, a professional addiction Recovery program is essential to your success. At 7 Summit Pathways, we offer individualized treatment plans designed to help you break free from addiction’s hold and find a path to sober living. Contact us today to learn how we help build a stronger foundation for long-term Recovery.