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Path to Healing from Addiction

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The Importance of Community in Recovery

Community. This one word evokes feelings of belonging, acceptance and approval. Addiction and community are polar opposites. Addiction can leave you feeling hopeless and isolated. Community reminds you that you have a place in this world and that you can connect to others who care about you. Finding a community and a strong support system is vital to your Recovery journey.

Why Having Community Is Important in Recovery

As your addiction treatment comes to an end, the real work begins. A healthy community is essential to maintaining and enjoying your newfound sobriety. Whether it’s a peer group with shared interests, caring friends or support meetings, these people stand beside you and remind you that there is life outside of addiction.

Connecting with others who understand what you’re going through will have a vital impact on your Recovery in a number of ways.

Reminds You That You’re Not Alone

A life of addiction doesn’t have to be lonely. For a long time, you probably hid behind silence and got used to not talking about your thoughts or feelings. A community serves as a regular reminder that you’re not alone. These are safe people you can open up to as you encounter new feelings and challenges.

Provides Support as You Make Healthy Changes

Recovery is more than just kicking drugs or alcohol. It’s an ongoing process of making healthy lifestyle changes. During treatment, you begin to realize that wellness means finding balance in your mind, body and spirit. Community relationships will be there to support you when temptations and triggers arise that could lead to relapse. They can also introduce you to wellness-based activities and interests to enjoy.

Offers Accountability and Encouragement

Accountability sometimes has a negative connotation. After all, no one likes the idea of someone keeping tabs on them. However, it’s much easier to receive advice from those who have walked the same road you’re on. A community made up of those with a shared experience can provide insight when conflict comes your way and give you perspective about what’s to come.

Accountability doesn’t have to be nagging or pestering — it’s keeping you on track, reminding you of your goals and having others you can celebrate each success with.

Find Community During Your Recovery at 7 Summit Pathways

At 7 Summit Pathways, you’ll join a thriving sober community made up of medical professionals and people like you who are recovering from addiction. We want to see you succeed, not just while seeking treatment, but every day after that. Maintaining a strong sense of community after leaving our treatment center is a vital part of what we do. That’s why we offer both Aftercare and Alumni Services.


Our commitment to your overall wellness does not end when you step down from our programs. Our supportive Aftercare Program gives you access to all the resources and contacts you made here at 7 Summit Pathways to help you continue your Recovery journey. This includes ongoing counseling and group sessions as well as access to our team of therapists, clinicians and physicians. The community you’ll find at our treatment center will increase your chances of functioning and thriving in the real world.

Alumni Support

Even as you make the transition to a life fully in Recovery, our Alumni Support program will be there every step of the way. We provide services and host activities designed to give you the encouragement and motivation to stay in Recovery.

If you’re taking the first steps on the road to Recovery, and you need a community that’s passionate about helping you maintain a life of sobriety and well-being, it’s time to contact 7 Summit Pathways. Your journey to the summit begins with one small step.