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How to Stay Connected With Long-Distance Friends

Friendship is something we often take for granted when we’re kids. Between adult responsibilities and the general busyness of life, staying connected with friends can be tough as we get older. If you’re losing touch with the people you love, here’s how to stay friends even over long distances.

The Benefits of Keeping in Touch With Friends

There’s nothing better than going out or having a face-to-face convo, but that’s not always possible. Yet, keeping lines of communication open with your close friends is good for your overall health and well-being. Supportive friendships can:

  • Make you feel loved and valued.
  • Help you deal with the stresses of life.
  • Reduce feelings of loneliness or isolation.
  • Keep you active.
  • Offer different perspectives.
  • Help you solve practical problems.
  • Keep you grounded.

How to Maintain a Long-Distance Friendship

Staying close with a friend who’s far away is difficult. Your relationship is bound to change in multiple ways, but those intimate, close relationships are worth working for. Here are some ways to stay connected over a long distance.

1. Stick to a Plan

It’s far too easy to go about your everyday life and forget to keep in touch. While flexibility is important in any good relationship, try to schedule a time to call or video chat when you’re both free, especially if you’re in different time zones or have limited availability. Even if you don’t have time for an hour-long catch-up session, schedule a quick five-minute chat. You’ll both feel better for it.

2. Connect Over Shared Interests

Continue to enjoy shared interests together. This can take many forms:

  • Share an interesting article or video.
  • Send along some music or an artist you know your friend would like.
  • Make a date to watch something in sync, like a sports game, movie or TV show.
  • Pick a book, read it together and discuss.

3. Send Little Reminders

Random texts or thoughtful emails to your friend will let them know that you miss them and you’re thinking about them. Be sure to emphasize your friend’s unique assets and affirm their value to you.

4. Make an Effort to Visit Each Other

While regular chats are important, actually seeing each other takes your friendship to another level. Take time to visit each other if you can. Drop into their hometown or plan a sightseeing trip. These regular get-togethers will boost your closeness and make future phone calls and texts more meaningful.

5. Be There When It Counts

Some of life’s moments are joyful, while others are defined by pain. Being a friend means connecting and showing you care during those moments. Even if you can’t be there physically, let your friend know that you are with them in spirit and that they can always count on you as a shoulder to cry on or someone to celebrate with. The best friends will do the same for you in return.

The Importance of a Support System in Recovery

Recovery from addiction requires support. Having healthy friendships will help see you through difficult times as you learn how to live your life free from drugs or alcohol.

If you want to feel empowered on your path to Recovery, 7 Summit Pathways can help. We offer personalized addiction treatment services, and we want to be a key part of your Recovery support system. Contact us today to learn more.