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How to Set Goals

Setting goals can play a critical role in Recovery from addiction. When you achieve a goal, you feel a surge of confidence in yourself and renewed dedication to long-term planning. Meeting a goal can also make you feel more in control of your life and more optimistic about the future.

But how can you set a realistic goal, and what does that process look like?

Examples of Goals

People set different types of goals depending on where they are in life and what they have already achieved. If you are getting treatment for addiction, you may already have one large goal on the horizon, and you want to set other goals to keep you on track. Or, if you have a loved one in Recovery, you may want to give yourself something to focus on during this time. Such goals might include something you do weekly, such as:

  • Reading a book
  • Exercising three times
  • Learning five new words

You could also set a longer-term goal you have to build up to, such as running a 5K or paying off your credit card debt.

Tips for Setting Goals

Instead of setting one large goal and leaving it at that, aim to break it up into smaller goals that are more easily attainable in a short time. For example, instead of thinking, “I want to write a novel,” start with, “I want to write in my journal three times a week.” Hitting smaller goals can give you the confidence to keep going toward the bigger ones.

No matter if it’s a small goal or a bigger one, though, it should:

  • Excite and energize you
  • Be based on what you want to do, not what others want or expect from you
  • Hold personal significance

Once you have set your goals, you should:

  • Write them down
  • Share them with others to keep you accountable
  • Plan your first step

Steps to Achieve Your Goals

Say your goal is to keep your kitchen clean. Once you have set this aim, you need to come up with specific ways to meet that goal. The more you plan, the greater the chance you will meet your goal. Your plan might be:

  • Doing dishes right after every meal instead of letting them sit out
  • Wiping down kitchen counters every night before bed
  • Mopping the kitchen floor every Saturday
  • Cleaning out the refrigerator every Sunday

When you have time set aside to do these things, they will become part of your routine, making achieving the goal that much easier. And remember, when you meet your goal, take time to celebrate. It’s worth it to recognize your work.

Are you ready to achieve your goals? The personalized care offered by 7 Summit Pathways Treatment and Recovery Center in Tampa can help you set realistic, helpful goals and show you how to meet them. Contact us today to discuss your needs or schedule an appointment today.