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Path to Healing from Addiction

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How to Cope When a Loved One Has an Addiction

Addiction can impact an entire network of people, from family members to friends to even co-workers. If your loved one is struggling with addiction, you may not know how to handle the situation. You may feel overwhelmed and sad at times, while other times you’re angry and simply want to ignore what’s happening.

Learning how to help someone with an addiction can make a huge difference in that person’s Recovery. At 7 Summit Pathways, we encourage everyone to take an active role in their loved one’s Recovery to help them get the essential support they need to achieve long-term results.

Understanding an Addiction

The first step to learning how to help a family member with addiction is to truly understand their addiction. People can start using opioids or slip into alcoholism for a variety of reasons. Maybe your loved one received an opiate after a surgery and couldn’t stop using it. Or a teenager may have felt peer pressure from friends to start drinking.

Identifying an addiction in your loved one is important before you stage an intervention or suggest a treatment option. The symptoms depend on what type of addiction your loved one has, but some general symptoms and signs include:

  • Mood swings
  • Withdrawal from family members
  • Sudden changes in behavior
  • Problems at work or school
  • Loss of interest in hobbies they previously loved
  • Disrupted sleep patterns

How to Help a Family Member With Addiction

Sometimes individuals with an addiction don’t always know how much their family members and friends love them and want them to succeed, so it’s important that you offer your support. You should communicate your concerns, but also let them know you’re here to support them throughout Recovery.

Encourage your loved one to get the help they need. You may run into denial and excuses, but try to stay persistent in letting them know how crucial treatment is. Here at 7 Summit Pathways, we can help you along this process in getting your loved one to understand just how important treatment and Recovery are.

While helping a family member with an addiction, make sure to take care of yourself. Although it may seem selfish, you need to meet your own needs and understand the emotions you’re feeling during this time. Family therapy can often make a difference in working through your emotions, but you can also go to therapy alone if you’re still struggling.

How 7 Summit Pathways Can Help

You don’t need to feel hopeless if you don’t know how to help with an addiction. At 7 Summit Pathways, our treatment works, and we’ll focus on the seven dimensions of wellness to help your friend or family member feel like their whole selves. If you want to learn more about our holistic treatments, contact us today or schedule an appointment.