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How to Beat Alcohol Addiction

a person supports another in a group as they commit to beating alcohol addiction

Addiction is a treatable mental health disorder that affects millions of people all across the country. Beating alcohol addiction is possible through a combination of therapies and treatments at an accredited addiction treatment facility. Individuals will work with a behavioral therapist while receiving medication to ease withdrawal symptoms, allowing them to concentrate on their recovery without worrying about relapsing.

At 7 Summit Pathways, we support all Floridians who are struggling with an addiction to alcohol, opioids, and other addictive substances. When patients first arrive at our small, family-like center, we run a full assessment of their physical and mental health, along with the severity of the addiction.  We use this information to create an individualized treatment program using the latest in medication and behavioral and holistic therapies that treats all aspects of the addiction. If you are searching for alcohol addiction rehab in Tampa, FL, call 813.212.7149 today to schedule a tour and meet our friendly team.

Understanding Alcohol Addiction

Addiction is a mental health disorder that is treatable through a combination of behavioral therapy and medical support. It affects each person in unique ways, and despite how you may feel, no one is safe from the addictive properties of drugs and alcohol. It produces chemical changes in your body that disrupt the way dopamine and other neurotransmitters operate.

When a person abuses alcohol for an extended period of time, they will develop an increased tolerance that requires them to consume more to feel the same effects. What started out as one or two drinks per night can quickly become five or six if they are not careful. The more you drink, the more your body will crave alcohol and will produce painful and sometimes deadly withdrawal symptoms. Some of the common alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Restlessness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Insomnia
  • Seizures
  • Delirium tremens

At 7 Summit Pathways, we have experience treating alcohol addiction at our 22-bed boutique treatment center in Tampa. We offer outpatient treatment programs with day and night therapy sessions that can work around your schedule and allow you to continue with recovery for as long as necessary.

Beating Alcohol Addiction

Despite how individuals may feel when controlled by their addiction, beating alcohol addiction is possible through an accredited addiction treatment program. Here are a few tips on how to beat alcohol addiction safely and stop the abuse once and for all:

  • Learn about the dangers of addiction – Knowing how addiction affects you physically and mentally is an important first step in recovery. Addiction affects more than the person who is abusing the substance. It affects everyone around them and can lead to:
  • Broken relationships
  • Loss of income
  • Homelessness
  • Permanent physical and psychological illnesses
  • Ask for help – This is a difficult step for people struggling with addiction, as many of them will do all they can to hide their abuse. In fact, some individuals may not know how to ask for help, which contributes to their addiction. Sometimes a friend or loved one will need to show them how the addiction is affecting them before they realize they need help.
  • Enroll in alcohol addiction rehab –  The safest way to get through alcohol withdrawals and beat the addiction is by enrolling in an addiction treatment center. These places offer a safe space to work on their recovery using behavioral therapy and medication-assisted treatment as part of an all-encompassing addiction treatment program.

Beating alcohol addiction is a complex process, but one that tens of millions of people have completed successfully and are now living their best lives happy and sober. The skills they learn during treatment allow them to confidently maintain their sobriety no matter how stressful life gets or when cravings return suddenly.

Enroll in Alcohol Addiction Rehab in Tampa at 7 Summit Pathways

At 7 Summit Pathways, we welcome anyone who is struggling with alcohol use disorder caused by peer pressure, past trauma, or any number of common causes of addiction. Our therapists work privately with each patient to help them open up about the reasons behind the abuse and begin teaching them healthy ways to process their feelings. During group therapy, patients will practice their coping and communication skills along with increasing their confidence in reaching their goals.

To learn how to beat alcohol addiction safely and live a healthy life, send us a message online or call 813.212.7149 today to speak with our compassionate team.