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How Setting Intentions Can Help You Stay Sober

When you set an intention, you’re taking control of yourself by telling yourself how you’re going to go about your day. Intentions are a way to bring meaning into everything you do, from getting out of bed in the morning to making a big presentation at work or school. When you commit to including them in your daily life, you can improve your positive mindset and achieve your goals quickly.

What Is an Intention?

An intention is a way of thinking that can enhance your life. A lot of people confuse intentions with goals. Although they can influence and help one another, there is a difference between the two. While a goal is something you set out to achieve, intentions get you to achieve it. If your goal doesn’t have an intention behind it, nothing motivates you to see it through.

Intentions are deeply personal. They have to align with your beliefs and motives without influence from friends, family, therapists or anyone else. Otherwise, you’re not living your life for yourself anymore, and intentions are all about focusing on living your best life.

How Do Intentions Help Recovery?

Intentions allow you to dive deep into your emotions and recognize why you do the things you do and what you want to achieve from it. They aren’t always obvious, either. To understand your intentions, you might ask yourself questions like:

  • Why does this matter to me?
  • Why am I staying sober?
  • What’s my motive for doing this?

Once you understand why you want to do something, your end goal becomes easier to achieve. You’ll understand your motivations better and be able to set intentions that cater to your beliefs and no one else’s.

Examples of Setting Powerful Intentions

Learning how to set intentions can take time, but it becomes easier to set powerful intentions and stick to them once you get used to the idea. Write them down in a dedicated journal, the notes app on your phone or on sticky notes you can look at frequently. Speak them out loud, and let the universe help you on your journey.

Here are a few to get you started:

  • I intend to bring happiness and love to my family.
  • I intend to treat everyone I meet with respect.
  • I intend to focus on the good things in my life.
  • I intend to show gratitude to my friends for all they’ve done for me.
  • I intend to think mindfully before I speak.

Note the positive language used in these intentions. When you send positivity out into the world, it might make its way back to you. They’re also written in the present tense to help you remember to live your intentions every day.

Start Your Recovery at 7 Summit Pathways

If you or a loved one is dealing with an addiction, 7 Summit Pathways is here for you. Our comprehensive approach helps patients physically, mentally and emotionally whether you’re full-time inpatient, outpatient or part of our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). Come set your intentions with us, and we’ll help you manage your recovery. Contact us now.