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Group Therapy Activities for Adults in Recovery

a group of men and women engaged in a trust fall as part of group therapy activities for adults in recovery

For many people dealing with addiction, group therapy can be one of the most daunting parts of rehabilitation. Group therapy activities for adults are a vital component of helping address the isolation of addiction. Addiction causes those struggling with substance use disorders to withdraw from their friends, family, and any group activities they used to enjoy, all so they can spend more time with their drug of choice.

In rehab and recovery, meeting and opening up to other people with addictions can help individuals move forward. Addiction recovery group activities offer meaningful ways to reconnect with others while rebuilding self-confidence.

7 Summit Pathways in Tampa, Florida, offers group therapy as part of a comprehensive addiction treatment program. Call 813.212.7149 today for more information or to get started on the road to recovery.

5 Group Therapy Activities for Adults in Recovery

Running and participating in group therapy can be challenging. The environment should be positive so everyone can feel comfortable while getting the support they need.

You don’t need every moment of group therapy to be full of serious internal reflection. Sometimes, having fun activities can be just as helpful in showing patients how to reintegrate into their daily lives.

Here are a few activities that can help your group open up to one another and build a foundational relationship for the rest of the sessions:

  1. Discuss what you’re grateful for today – Gratitude journaling is a popular activity for people in and out of therapy. Encouraging your group to reflect on how much they have to be thankful for can help them shift into a more positive mindset. It’s a great place to start your meeting.
  2. Practice meditation – Meditation can be especially helpful for people dealing with addiction and mental illness. Breathwork and mindfulness can help patients be in the moment and control their thoughts.
  3. Learn the science behind addiction – Explain what happens to the body when experiencing and treating addiction. Understanding how addiction changes the body can help motivate people to continue their Recovery.
  4. Make a self-care list – Dealing with addiction can leave you little time for taking care of yourself. Have your group come up with a list of easy self-care activities for them when they need a distraction or want to feel better about themselves.
  5. Freewriting – Allow group members to write about anything they’re thinking or feeling. This can help them express what’s on their mind, even if they’re unsure of the answer. Your group can choose whether or not they want to share what they’ve written.

These are just some of the many group therapy activities for adults that 7 Summit Pathways employs. Our compassionate addiction treatment professionals provide patients with tailored treatment plans that address their individual needs and recovery goals.

Common Goals of Recovery Group Activities

No matter which activities are employed in group therapy, there are many shared goals and outcomes. Some of these include the following:

  • Building a sense of community and belonging
  • Encouraging open and honest communication
  • Providing support and accountability
  • Promoting self-discovery and personal growth
  • Developing healthy coping mechanisms
  • Rebuilding social skills and relationships

By participating in group therapy activities, individuals can not only address their addiction but also gain valuable tools for long-term recovery. These activities can help individuals reconnect with themselves and others, learn to manage their thoughts and emotions and build a strong support network for ongoing sobriety.

Experience Group Activities for Recovery at 7 Summit Pathways

At 7 Summit Pathways, we aim to help people with addictions find their road to recovery using evidence-based treatments. We utilize tools like medication and therapies to treat the worst symptoms of addiction and its various co-occurring disorders.

We approach healing through The 7 Dimensions of Wellness — physical, emotional, spiritual, social, occupational, intellectual, and environmental — to create individualized treatment plans for every patient.

Connect with us today if you’re ready to experience these and other group activities for recovery. Contact 7 Summit Pathways online or call 813.212.7149 to begin the healing journey toward recovery.