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Fun Sober Things to Do With Friends

Walking out of a life of addiction is an incredible achievement, and you should be more than proud of yourself. Now that you are new to sober living, things may feel a bit odd for a while. Some of the activities you enjoyed when you struggled with addiction can be potential relapse triggers. That’s why it’s important to fill your time with sober-friendly fun.

Many people new to Recovery are afraid that their fun-loving days are over. However, Sobriety doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy life and spend time with your friends. In fact, fostering deep friendships with healthy people will help ward off loneliness and aid you in your Recovery journey.

Fun Sober Activities for Every Kind of Person

Instead of grabbing a drink or heading to the club, activities that could put your Recovery at risk, here are some fun sober group activities. As you’ll soon learn, there are tons of exciting things to do that are more fun than drugs or alcohol. So, no matter what kind of person you are, there’s a fun, sober activity for you.

Fun Sober Activities for Thrill-Seekers

If you’ve got a spirit for adventure and love to do crazy, risky things, you’ll find a ton of exciting ways to enjoy life. Instead of using substances to fuel your thrill-seeking, there are a variety of adrenaline-pumping sober activities you and your friends can enjoy:

  • Skydiving — indoor or the real thing
  • Laser tag
  • Arcades
  • Trip to an amusement park filled with roller coasters
  • Parasailing
  • Rock climbing
  • Shark cage diving

Fun for Nature Lovers

Time spent in the great outdoors is a natural and holistic way to cleanse your spirit and soul after struggling with addiction. There are many fun sober activities you can enjoy outside with friends. Whether you love the beach or towering mountain peaks, here are some ways to delve into nature:

  • Visit a local, state or national park
  • Go hiking
  • Try surfing, scuba diving or swimming in the ocean
  • Watch the sunrise or sunset
  • Plan a picnic

Fun Things for Those Who Enjoy Hospitality

If you love having friends over to your place, you can still get together and have a great time without relying on addictive substances. Be the host with the most by planning a Game Night or a delicious Friday night dinner. Enjoy sports? Have your friends over for a Sunday football party. Any occasion is the perfect opportunity for a sober get-together.

Fun Sober Activities for You Kids at Heart

Addiction tends to rob you of your wonder for life. Fortunately, Recovery doesn’t have to be a stuffy, boring experience. Give yourself the freedom to play and enjoy some childlike escapades with your friends:

  • Hide-and-go-seek
  • Dress-up
  • Freeze tag
  • Board games
  • Trampolines

Fun for Those With a Thirst for Knowledge

Whether you’re a history buff or an art fanatic, now’s the time to slake your thirst for knowledge. Explore local museums or treat yourself by visiting a nearby historical site. If you need a place to enjoy some silent reflection, these locations are often very quiet and low-key. You’ll learn something new and get away from the stress of everyday life.

Get the Support You Need To Begin Your Recovery Journey

Recovery is not a journey you have to make alone. At 7 Summit Pathways, our experienced clinical team is dedicated to providing treatment that works. We take the time to understand your individual needs so we can customize the care you receive at our state-of-the-art facility.

Life after Recovery is filled with exciting new adventures waiting for your discovery. Contact us today today to begin the journey with 7 Summit Pathways by your side.