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Finding The Best Rehab For Fentanyl in Tampa

A group of people in rehab for fentanyl

The city of Tampa is the county seat for Hillsborough County and is home to around 398,000 residents. It is the largest city in the Tampa Bay area and the third largest city in Florida, with 13% of residents having Cuban ancestry1.. Fentanyl addiction is a serious problem in Tampa and throughout the state. Residents who want help breaking their addiction can enroll in rehab for fentanyl and stop the abuse before developing serious physical and mental complications.

7 Summit Pathways in Tampa is a few miles east of downtown. We offer addiction treatment programs for men and women who are abusing fentanyl or other lethal narcotics. Our therapists take the time to build trust and open communication with each patient. This helps them feel comfortable discussing the reasons behind their drug abuse. Through group and private therapy sessions, patients learn about the dangers of addiction and develop healthy coping skills to stop the abuse once and for all. If you would like more information about our fentanyl rehab program in Tampa, send us a message online or call 813.212.7149 today to speak with our caring team.

What Is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a potent pain reliever. Unfortunately, it can be very dangerous when combined with other narcotics or when people take more than prescribed. According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), a two-milligram dose of fentanyl can be potentially lethal2. Fentanyl is an opioid that is 100 times more potent than morphine. Also, it has an extremely high rate of overdose potential.

Like other opioids, fentanyl causes extreme euphoria and relaxation that can be very addicting, especially for people with depression or anxiety who struggle to feel happy. With repeated use, addiction can happen very quickly due to its increased potency. When you stop taking fentanyl, your body will go through a withdrawal period that can last for several weeks and produce the following symptoms:

  • Insomnia/hyposomnia
  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle spasms
  • Cold flashes
  • Depression
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Extreme cravings for more fentanyl

Symptoms intensify slowly over 2–3 days and can take several weeks or longer to dissipate. Most people who try to quit alone will likely relapse within the first 48–72 hours and risk an overdose. At 7 Summit Pathways, we offer fentanyl rehab in Tampa for residents who are ready to quit abusing fentanyl safely with minimal risks of relapse. You will work with a certified therapist in group and private therapy sessions in a discreet environment for as long as necessary to feel confident in maintaining your sobriety.

The Benefits of Enrolling in Rehab for Fentanyl Addiction

Rehab for fentanyl combines medication-assisted treatment with behavioral and holistic therapies to create a more effective recovery experience. There are many benefits of enrolling in a fentanyl rehab program that include:

  • An experienced team of therapists, medical technicians, and support staff who specialize in addiction recovery.
  • A medication management plan to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, including medicine to reduce depressive or anxiety symptoms that may be fueling the addiction.
  • A better understanding of how drugs and alcohol affect your body and mind and what is required to break the addiction.
  • Build close relationships with your peers as you sit and talk with them in supervised group sessions about their struggles with addiction and help each other recover.
  • Participate in role-playing games, creative writing and other forms of self-expression, and other holistic activities that promote a healthy and sober lifestyle.
  • Work on rebuilding fractured trust and broken relationships with parents, siblings, spouses, and children.

Finding rehab for fentanyl addiction is essential for anyone who becomes addicted to this dangerous narcotic. Rehab centers combine the latest therapeutic techniques and medicines to create a comprehensive recovery program that goes a long way in helping people reach their sober goals.

7 Summit Pathways: Your Top Choice for Fentanyl Rehab Program in Tampa

At 7 Summit Pathways, our fentanyl rehab program gives men and women a real chance at beating their addiction. Then, they can go to lead healthy and sober lives. When you first arrive at our facility, we will run a full assessment to determine the best treatment program for the severity of your symptoms. You will participate in group and private therapy sessions. These sessions are led by a certified behavioral therapist with years of experience treating all types of addictions.

To see if our fentanyl rehab in Tampa is right for you, call 813.212.7149 today to schedule a tour and meet our dedicated team.

 1 Visit Tampa Bay