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How to Make it Through Holiday Parties Sober

The holidays are upon us yet again. This time of joy and goodwill is the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy yourself after another year in Recovery. While you deserve to have fun with your nearest and dearest this holiday season, that doesn’t mean you need to risk your sobriety. From Thanksgiving to New Year’s, you’re going to face a lot of temptation and potential relapse triggers.

Forewarned is forearmed. Now that you know that these dangers exist, you can prepare yourself for whatever may come your way. Whether it’s a work party or a family gathering, it’s possible to stay sober during the holidays while still enjoying the many parties you’ll be invited to.

How to Stay Sober During the Holidays

While it may be difficult celebrating the holidays and your Recovery, these five tips can be applied to any get-together where alcohol or other substances are being used.

1. Remember Your Pre-Recovery Days

Never forget what it was like before you began your Recovery journey. One of the best ways to remember how great sobriety is can be to remember those darker times when drugs or alcohol imprisoned you.

2. Bring Along Your Support Network

Life in Recovery is knowing when to ask for help, so don’t be nervous about asking a sober buddy to come along to your party. If no one’s available, ask a supportive or trusted friend at the party to help keep you accountable. You can also have a counselor or your sponsor on-call during the event in case things get rough.

3. Sip a Substitute Beverage

Excessive drinking is typical at most Christmas parties and holiday gatherings, so while the alcohol is flowing freely, make sure you don’t walk around empty-handed. Whether you grab a cranberry spritzer from the open bar or bring your own delicious mocktail to a family party, people are far less likely to offer you alcohol when you already have a drink. Plus, you’ll be less tempted to partake.

4. Locate the Food and Fun

Most holiday parties are not wholly focused on drinking. There’s bound to be lots of yummy food, fun games, dancing and even karaoke. Take a second when you arrive at the venue to locate these sources of food and entertainment. They’ll be your go-to zones throughout the event, so hang out there and have a blast.

5. Plan Your Exit Strategy

Even if you feel obligated to attend a party or event, it doesn’t mean you have to stay. If you feel uncomfortable or at risk, it’s time to leave. Plan ahead, and don’t rely on someone else for a ride. Rather than risking your sobriety, it may be time to hit the road.

Give Yourself the Gift of Sobriety With 7 Summit Pathways

If you’re still struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, Recovery is the best gift you can give yourself this holiday season. At 7 Summit Pathways, we’re committed to helping you find health and wholeness with our personalized addiction Recovery treatments.

If you’re ready to start your Recovery journey this holiday season, we invite you to contact us or schedule an appointment with a member of our caring and compassionate team.