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Do I Need a Sober Living Program?

young woman staring into space thoughtfully and pondering do i need a sober living program?

A sober living program is an added level of support as one transitions from a substance use disorder treatment program to everyday life. Staying sober takes work, and having added layers of support as you begin recovery can make the journey that much more successful. While treatment arms you with the tools to manage triggers, meeting this challenge while living in a sober environment makes the transition easier.

For more information on the benefits of a sober living program and what it can look like for you or a loved one, call 7 Summit Pathways today at 813.212.7149.

Do I Need a Sober Living Program?

Generally speaking, if you are asking the question, then the answer is most likely yes. If you have recently completed rehab and are worried about returning to your everyday life and the risk of relapse, then sober living may be the smart next step. Sober living is basically a living arrangement that helps with the transition from treatment back into society. Returning to a home that is not sober-friendly or a work or school environment where you know triggers exist can require extra time and support to get back to that life without risking a relapse.

Sober living offers a structured, drug-free environment with different levels of care depending on one’s needs. Peer-to-peer support, as well as professional counseling and therapy, are available to residents.

Benefits of Sober Living

The structured and supportive environment of a sober living program offers many benefits. Residents are held accountable through a set of rules each person must adhere to to help them stay on track with their sobriety. In a sober living program, residents follow set rules, which help them to stay sober and on track. Newly sober individuals can especially benefit from this transitional support as they navigate their newly sober world. Sober living offers a safe environment with peer support as well as therapeutic services.

Some of the many benefits of sober living include:

More Accountability

Because of the built-in structure and rules, residents don’t have a choice but to be more accountable for themselves and their actions. On their own, they may easily relapse and risk their sobriety.

Peer Support

Being in a sober environment and living with others who are going through similar experiences gives residents a more robust sober support network than they could have in any other living arrangement. These sober friendships can carry into each other’s lives far into the future as people continue their recovery back at home.

Built-In Resources

Having resources like therapy, job placement, and life coaching at your disposal is a massive advantage if you are in a sober living program. Residents who take advantage of these resources are better prepared for life when they leave sober living.

Contact 7 Summit Pathways About Sober Living Homes Today

The sober living program at 7 Summit Pathways in Tampa, Florida, provides a transitional bridge between treatment for a substance use disorder and integrating back into society. Learning to live life sober after being dependent on drugs or alcohol can be very hard to do for many people. Sober living holds residents accountable through structured programming like regular meetings and therapy so that they can get back to living their lives and deal with any challenges to their sobriety in a healthy and constructive way.

In addition to sober living, 7 Summit Pathways offers:

Lifelong sobriety and avoiding relapse are the goals of any treatment program. Call on the team at 7 Summit Pathways at 813.212.7149 or reach out online to learn more about sober living.